Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Baka Sakura

An interview with Cape Town cosplayer, Baka Sakura.


When did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying for? What was your first costume?
I started cosplaying about 3-4 years ago so that would make it 2009. :3 I'm still a cosplaying n00b, since I've only really gotten into cosplay "full steam ahead" in 2011. My first costume was a character from one of my favourite anime, Full Metal Alchemist. The character I decided to make my first official let-us-be-all-serious-now cosplay, was called Lust.

Why and how did you pick your first cosplay?
Even though she was an evil character, I still thought she was pretty bad ass, and well, admittedly sexy. I thought it'd be fun to cosplay a lady with so much power. *sinister smile*

Why and how did you pick your nickname?
"It's something I said so many times out loud while watching Naruto, that I just decided one day to use it as a nickname. I thought it worked well together so I just kinda stuck with it."

What does cosplay mean to you?
Yoh, cosplay means so many things to me. When I think 'cosplay', I think: happiness, passion, freedom, creativity and community. Cosplay wouldn't be the same if I were a lone wolf - I definitely need other cosplayers / enthusiasts around to share the love with me! <3


What are your views on our local community?
Well, from what I can observe from Cape Town's side, is that there are so many people joining our little group. When I started, we were a handful of people joining the picnics. Now we are almost triple in size and counting. I think people's minds and perceptions on Cosplay have really taken a turn for the better - it feels like it's becoming more of an acceptable hobby in a sense. I foresee great things happening for Cosplay South Africa.

How do you decide which characters to cosplay?
Haha, well they yell out to me: "Pick me pick me!" Actually, I'm quite the avid anime watcher and game lover, so I generally find a lot of characters to cosplay from there. I have had people recommend characters to me, or they'll ask me if I'd like to join a cosplay group. I always do crazy research on the characters first though, to see if I can make it happen - I will only cosplay characters that suit my build.

What costumes working on at the moment? What cosplays do you plan on doing in the near future?
Oh geeez, I have so many! At the moment I just finished off my Luka from Panda Hero (Vocaloid) costume. I'm eager to do LOTS of pictures of her with Cosplay Studio X (www.cosplaystudiox.weebly.com) Otherwise I have Stocking's School uniform coming up (From Panty, Stocking with Garterbelt), as well as Lanaya (Templar assassin) from Dota2 and Arachne from Soul Eater. Then who knows what I'll cosplay after that - probably Mizukage. ;)

If you had the time/skills/finances for absolutely anything, what cosplay would you do next?
Yohhhhhh, what a difficult question... If I could cosplay anyone, I'd looooove to cosplay Helga von Vogelweide OR Lilith Sahl from Trinity Blood. Definitely an all time favourite!

What are the pros and cons of cosplaying, in your opinion?
Ooh, it's a difficult one. I wrote a blog post about this once. After much deliberation about the pros and cons, the good definitely outweighed the bad. But if I had to pick 1 good point, it would be: It's so much friggin fun, the opportunities are endless with cosplay. The bad point would be, that I don't earn enough to make all those opportunities happen!

How do you store your costumes?
My flat is about 1 meter short of being called a walk-in closet, so I store most of my costumes at my parents' house. They have one of those portable clothing rails so I just pack it all on there. Hehehehe, thanks mom!

What is your view on makeup, contacts, wigs and other accessories?
Ooh, this is SO important to me, all of it. It's pointless spending so much time working on all the finer details of your costume, if you don't complete the look will all the correct features. Look I understand people have tight budgets, but there is always a way with cosplay. Beg, borrow and create. Or save up and do it properly - you will just feel so much more proud of a few completed costumes, then a whole bunch of half-way-there costumes. Check out my little online shop, where I sell lenses, wigs, fangs and such. http://dokidokicosplayshop.blogspot.com/

How do your family and friends feel about cosplay?
Like a lot of things in my life (piercings and tattoos for example), my parents slowly warmed up to the idea. Especially when my mom realised that sewing meant mother-daughter-time. People immediately connote cosplay with 'evil, weird, explicit things'. If you explain to them what it's really about, and can involve them in the process somehow, they really do develop an appreciation for it. My dad I think is one of our biggest fans - he constantly tells me he wants cosplay to grow like in the States!

Has cosplay influenced your life in any way? If so, how?
Definitely! I found something I love and believe in - I found aspiration and passion. Most of all, I found a community that I've come to care for deeply. I must say though that the crafting process eats away at my social life, but I've made peace with it. Hahahaha! #allinthenameofcosplay


Who are your cosplay inspirations, both locally and internationally?
Hmmm, Internationally I'd have to say Yayahan (an obvious choice), she seems like she can still have alot of fun with cosplay, even after all these years. I like humble, modest people; I tend to follow them quickly. Also, I'm a definite fan of Jia Jem, Jojo Pandaface and Kamui. Locally, I'd have to say everyone that's becoming serious about this scene - you all inspire me to try and do my best with my costumes every day! >3<

What are your hobbies and interests besides cosplay?
...does sushi count as a hobby? XD Just kidding (I think)... To be honest, I love to entertain! I have been in two bands as lead singer and I also used to dance and perform everywhere... a lot... for like 12 years. I also love design and art, and definitely photography. Anything creative really! :P

Do you have one piece of advice that you would give to new cosplayers/people interested in cosplaying? Is there anything you wish you had known before you started cosplaying?
I wish people would've told me how bloody expensive it would be hahahaha! I kid, I kid. I wish people told me that I should learn to sew right away, it really changed my perspective on cosplay - sewing my own costumes. I guess my most important tip would be: Don't just dress the part, act the part too! Miguel Lima, also a local cosplayer, is a perfect example of this.


Where can we follow your cosplay adventures?
You can follow me on:


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